Medical cannabis has been known as alternative medicine for so many years, and physicians today still considered medicinal value of pot in treating various diseases. It is inspiring to know that this medicine can effectively cure even fatal diseases such as AIDS, Parkinson's disease and even cancer.

But how do you buy this medical cannabis, if you want to use it to cure your illness? Are there important things you must do before you can buy marijuana for medical purposes? These are questions not only about a few people, but almost everything I have ever met. To answer this question, I wrote the steps you need to know how you can get medical cannabis for medicinal purposes. Check them out below;

Get a recommendation from a 420 doctor - Go to the nearest cannabis doctor and ask for recommendation that you use this alternative medicine to cure your disease. Sometimes doctors do it for free especially if you're close to them. For a list of medical cannabis doctor, you can check with your local office and ask for it. They have a list of them and it is fair to ask you from them.

Get the medical cannabis card from the nearest registry office - when you have a letter of recommendation from your 420 doctor, you can now go to your local registration office and fill in the form of medical cannabis card for ex. In California CDPH (California department of public health) issues the medical marijuana card. Remember that a letter is a necessary condition to obtain an identity card, so don't forget to bring it during your appointment day or else, they won't entertain you at all.

Medical Marijuana

Pay the fee of processing- fee cost little more than $ 150 and it usually takes a month to spend a cannabis id card. This is standard procedure in all registration offices throughout California, you have all this time, because the entity will still have control of the background applications and see if you are really qualified for the use of medical cannabis for medical purposes.

Follow what the federal and state law says about the use of medical cannabis – The state of California is very strict in imposing the law on medical cannabis, comply to avoid punished by them. They allow the use of cannabis, but with some prams, and if you exceed the limit, will be forced to admonish you. Meanwhile, the federal government is still against the idea of legalizing the medical use of marijuana, even if state medical cannabis law allows it, if caught in the act of using it for medical purposes, shall be locked in a cell of the federal government.

Find the best marijuana dispensary in your area – Once studied and understood what the law says about the use of medical cannabis, now you can start looking for a nearby medical cannabis dispensary to buy this alternative medicine. Make sure you find the best and brightest among the several marijuana dispensaries in the region.

Ask your caregiver about what are the best marijuana products for your medicinal condition – Caregivers are as nurses can be found inside the cannabis dispensary and they are here to help you with the needs of medical cannabis. They are released for sale, and even grow marijuana, but in very limited quantities.