
Showing Tag: "california" (Show all posts)

The Medical Cannabis Law in California

Posted by Peddy Jo on Saturday, November 26, 2011, In : medical marijuana in california 

In the United States, cannabis is considered as a prohibited substance in Schedule I classification. California is the first state to pass a law making the use of medical cannabis legal within its parameters. It is promulgated by the user Compassionate Act (AUC) was adopted in 1996. Patients who want to use medical marijuana must have a medical marijuana card that comes from the Medical Marijuana Program (MMP).

Medical marijuana laws in California further state order to apply for a ca...

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Benefits of Medical Cannabis in California

Posted by Peddy Jo on Wednesday, September 28, 2011, In : Medical Marijuana 

Medical marijuana is widely available in California for the treatment of medical conditions. Every patient can get access to marijuana if his physician feels that the patient can be better after smoking. The medical marijuana in California is generally available on prescription. In fact there are various outlets all over in California and it is a booming business.

In the United States, 16 states including California have legalized the usage of medical cannabis. It is considered the preferr...

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